Mask & Hand Sanitizer

Non-alcohol Patented and Patent Pending Technology Mask & Hand Sanitizing Spray that Kills Pathogens for 4 hrs + Continual Protection


Mask & Hand Sanitizing Spray

Safe & Effective

Spray on Front & Back of Mask

Apply several sprays on the outside and inside of the mask. XtremeproteX Mask & Hand Sanitizer kills bacteria and viruses. When applied to your mask and hands, XtremeProteX Mask & Hand Sanitizing Spray provides continuous viral and bacterial killing protection for 4+ hours per application. Two-way inbound and outbound virus transmission protection.


All Natural Medical Grade Formula

XtremeProteX Mask & Hand Sanitizing Spray destroys bacteria while refreshing and extending mask life. Non-Toxic and safe for both adults and children killing viruses and bacteria immediately on contact. The patented formula is all-natural, no alcohol, non-flammable. Recent clinical studies prove XtremeproteX” Hand & Mask Sanitizer kills 99.9% of COVID-19 on contact and for 4 continuous hours.